Get started with multiple variants and styles of these table components built with Tailwind CSS and Skewind components.

Default Table

Add table class to a standard table element.

Product Customer Amount
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Bordered Table

Just append table--bordered class to the existing table element.

Product Customer Amount
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Striped Table

Just append table--striped class to the existing table element.

Product Customer Amount
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Dark Option

Use the table-dark class to make some part of table elements darker, like the table, thead, tbody, or tr elements.

Here is the example if we set table-dark to thead:

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


table-dark on table element.

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Color Schemes

As usual, apply the color scheme-{color} class to table elements. scheme-gray is the default.


Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Primary Dark

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Bordered Success

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Bordered Success Dark

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Striped Danger

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Striped Danger Dark

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Within Card

Sometimes, there are cases where you have to place a table inside the card. Just place the table inside the card element and add the card__table class to the table element. Here is how it looked.

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Table Sizes

You can also choose the table size if you want to.

Table Small.table--sm

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Table Large.table--lg

Product Customer Amount
Witchy Dark Footballer $674
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


More Examples

Here are some more examples that show you how to make a customization.

Highlight Row when hovering

Customization is quite easy. Here we can just append the [&>tbody>tr:hover]:bg-yellow-100 class to the table element.

Product Customer Amount
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009


Captioned Card

You just need to insert other card elements like card__header or card__body.

Caption Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec semper urna vitae sem maximus, ut finibus nisi tincidunt. Suspendisse accumsan.

Product Customer Amount
Nike Lionel Messi $187999
Adidas Cristiano Ronaldo $177009