The alert element is commonly used to deliver information to users. Not only as success or error messages, but also as highlighted information that complements the flow of paragraphs and headers on a page.

A user can dismiss the alert by clicking on the close icon.


These are some overviews of the alert. Use the options to switch between various styles, sizes, and variants.



Basic Usage

Use the alert class on a standard div element. You can add role="alert" attribute as well. Example:

Color Schemes

To change the color schemes of the alert, use Skewind's scheme-{color} utility classes. You can also switch to a softer scheme by appending the alert--soft class to the alert element.

Default Scheme

Softer Scheme

Alert Variants

The alert variant is alert--default by default just like the above examples. We provide a few more variants that are listed below. Append alert--{style} class to set the alert variant.

Outline alert--outline

Softer Outline alert--outline alert--soft

Accent alert--accent

Softer Accent alert--accent alert--soft


Use one of these two methods to make the alert dismissible.

Via Data Attributes

The easiest way to be able to make the alert dismissible is by using data attributes.

Create a trigger with any element with the data-dismiss-trigger attribute. Insert it anywhere inside of the alert element that has a data-dismissible attribute. The alert will be dismissed when the click event is triggered.

We recommend you use a button tag as a trigger.


Via Javascript

Initialize alert elements by calling the Dismissible.createInstance(element, options) function.


That makes an alert listen for click events on descendant elements that have the data-dismiss-trigger attribute. (Not necessary when using the data-api’s auto-initialization).

Function Description
Dismissible.createInstance(element, options) Create a Dismissible instance.
Dismissible.getInstance(element, options) If any, get the Dismissible instance.
Dismissible.getOrCreateInstance(element, options) Get the Dismissible instance if there is one. Create it if necessary.
Dismissible.destroyInstance(element) To destroy a Dismissible instance. Usually called before removing the element.
Dismissible.dataApi(wrapperElement) Execute the Data API within the specified wrapperElement.



Most Skewind component constructor accept two parameters, as well as the Dismissible component.

Parameter Type Required Description
element HTMLElement Required The target element. You can use any HTMLElement. This element is also used as a key to locate the instance.
options Object Required Pass the options object that contains the data below.


Currently, there is only one option.

Option Type Required Description
triggerSelector String Optional. Default: [data-dismiss-trigger] Query selector of the trigger elements.


Each instance has these public methods.

Methods Return Description
dismiss() void Remove the target element.
dispose() void Alternative to Dimissable.destroyInstance function. Just in case you want to cancel the dismissible effect.



This event may be emitted for hooking into alert functionality.

Event Description
dismissible.dismiss Emitted immediately when the alert is about to be dismissed.