Skewind uses ToastifyJS to manage this component. Toastify is a lightweight, vanilla JS toast notification library.

ToastifyJS instance is managed by the Toast component. Whereas the Toast component is not included as a core component. So you have to import it manually when it is actually needed on the page.


But with that being said, you can also add it as a core component at any time through the main.js file.


Initiate the instance by calling Toast as a function Toast(options) then calling the showToast() method in a chain. Here is an example of how to do it. Try to click the buttons below.


Close Button

To add the close button, just set the close: true option.


Permanent Toast

To show permanent toast, you can set the option to duration: -1.


Toast Destination

You can set the destination URL when the toast gets clicked with the destination: '/' option.



There are presets that are available for you to use. At the moment, we only provide some of the most useful in real applications.

Success Toast

To show a success toast, you just need to initiate the instance by calling Toast.success(content, options).



Error Toast

To show an error toast, you just need to initiate the instance by calling Toast.error(content, options).



Warning Toast

To show a warning toast, you just need to initiate the instance by calling Toast.warn(content, options).




The Toast object is just a proxy of an awesome ToastifyJS. But it comes with some additional functions to use as a preset of the default options.


The list of available functions.

Function Return Description
Toast(content, options) Toastify Instance Default Toast.
Toast.success(content, options) Toastify Instance Success Toast.
Toast.error(content, options) Toastify Instance Error Toast.
Toast.warning(content, options) Toastify Instance Warning Toast.


All the functions above has two parameters.

Parameter Type Description
content String Text or HTML Content.
options Object The options inherit from ToastifyJS.


Since it inherits from ToastifyJS, you can see the available options from their documentation.


Each ToastifyJS instance has these public methods.

Methods Description
showToast() Show the toast.
hideToast() Hide the toast.