The tooltip component is similar to dropdowns and popovers. Because it also relies on TippyJS.

To simplify usage, we decided to separate the component from dropdowns and popovers.


An element with data-tooltip="Awesome tooltip!" is enough to make a tooltip.

Color Schemes

Apply the tooltip color scheme by passing the data-tippy-scheme attribute.


Almost any position is supported. That is why we chose TippyJS!

To set the placement, just pass the placement value to the data-tippy-placement attribute. It's as simple as that. See all the available placements here.


Set the trigger by using the data-tippy-trigger. The default trigger value is mouseenter focus. All possible values are at Tippy Trigger Documentation.


Enable HTML tags by setting the data-tippy-allow-html attribute to true.


You can use one of these two methods to initialize the tooltip instance.

Via Data Attributes

The easiest way to initialize the tooltip component is by using the data attributes. All the example of usage above have been using this method. If you haven't checked it out yet, just scroll back to the top.

All you need is an element that you want to place a tooltip on. Then, set data-tooltip with a tooltip content as the value of that attribute to the element.

Via Javascript

Initialize the tooltip component by calling the Tooltip.createInstance(element, options) function.

Function Description
Tooltip.createInstance(element, options) Create a Tooltip instance.
Tooltip.getInstance(element, options) If any, get the Tooltip instance.
Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(element, options) Get the Tooltip instance if there is one. Create it if necessary.
Tooltip.destroyInstance(element) To destroy a Tooltip instance. Usually called before removing the element.
Tooltip.dataApi(wrapperElement) Execute the Data API within the specified wrapperElement.



Most Skewind component constructors accept two parameters, as well as the Tooltip component.

Parameter Type Required Description
tooltipEl HTMLElement Required The tooltip element. You can use any HTMLElement.
options Object Required Pass the tippy options object.


Since it uses TippyJS, you can see the available options from their documentation.


Each instance has these public methods.

Methods Return Description
dispose() void Alternative to Tooltip.destroyInstance. Just in case if you want to remove tooltip element, call this first.
TippyJS Methods mixed Call them through the tippy instance that lived in the instance public attribute.



This event may be emitted for hooking into tooltip functionality.

Event Description
TippyJS Events If you want to listen to the TippyJS event, pass it to the options instead.