There are multiple color, style, and size options available.

Basic Usage

There are two required elements. The one with the progress class and progress__bar elements. Lastly, specify the width of the progress__bar. Follow the example below.

Color Schemes

The default scheme is primary. If you want another scheme, add the scheme-{color} class as usual.

Labeled Progress

Adding a label to the progress bar can help the user see more information. Create the progress__label element with text and append it to the progress bar element. The label only shows when you hover the progress. Here is an example:


Progress Height

You can set any height with height-{size} as long it is less than h-10. Set the class directly to the progress element. When the bar is thicker, you can also add text inside it. Let us show you in context.


Striped Bar

Try to add the progress--striped class to make it look more interesting, especially with the additional progress__animated class. Now, example time: