The collapse component is used to toggle the visibility of content. So, it consists of a toggle and a target element.

Basic Usage

The collapse component utilizes a few classes. collapse and collapse--show.

Create the toggle element and the target element next to each other. Add the data-collapse-toggle attribute to the toggle element. And don't forget to add the collapse class to the target element. Look at the following example:

Duis tincidunt massa at ultricies sagittis. Mauris bibendum quis ante et consectetur. Nulla fermentum eleifend dolor, ut congue ipsum consectetur sit amet. Phasellus erat lacus, tincidunt in laoreet eu, egestas porta massa. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ac urna et lectus tristique commodo a eu sem. Sed ornare vestibulum massa, eu tempus diam fringilla vitae. Vestibulum eget sodales massa, a egestas massa. Quisque magna purus, fermentum ut mauris quis, interdum bibendum magna.


Collapse Target

There is a situation when the toggle and the target element won't sit next to each other. So, you can specify the selector of the target element as the value of the data-collapse-toggle attribute from the toggle element.

Duis tincidunt massa at ultricies sagittis. Mauris bibendum quis ante et consectetur. Nulla fermentum eleifend dolor, ut congue ipsum consectetur sit amet. Phasellus erat lacus, tincidunt in laoreet eu, egestas porta massa. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ac urna et lectus tristique commodo a eu sem. Sed ornare vestibulum massa, eu tempus diam fringilla vitae. Vestibulum eget sodales massa, a egestas massa. Quisque magna purus, fermentum ut mauris quis, interdum bibendum magna.


Open by Default

Just set aria-expanded="true" to the toggle element.

Duis tincidunt massa at ultricies sagittis. Mauris bibendum quis ante et consectetur. Nulla fermentum eleifend dolor, ut congue ipsum consectetur sit amet.



You can use one of these two methods to initialize the Collapse instance.

Via Data Attributes

The easiest way to initialize the collapse component is by using the data attributes. We already explained how to use this method above. If you haven't checked it out yet, just scroll back to the top.

If you want to change the collapse default options, set them by adding the data-collapse-{key}="{value}" attribute to the collapse element.

Via Javascript

Initialize the collapse component by calling the Collapse.createInstance(element, options) function.


But, that won't make any toggle element listen to the click events. You should create the toggle elements manually and add a click event listener to them in order to toggle the visibility of collapse elements.

Function Description
Collapse.createInstance(element, options) Create a Collapse instance.
Collapse.getInstance(element, options) If any, get the Collapse instance.
Collapse.getOrCreateInstance(element, options) Get the Collapse instance if there is one. Create it if necessary.
Collapse.destroyInstance(element) To destroy a Collapse instance. Usually called before removing the element.
Collapse.dataApi(wrapperElement) Execute the Data API within the specified wrapperElement.



Most Skewind component constructors accept two parameters, as well as the Dismissible component.

Parameter Type Required Description
element HTMLElement Required The target element. You can use any HTMLElement. This element is also used as a key to locate the instance.
options Object Required Pass the options object that contains the data below.


There are a few options available.

Option Type Required Description
showClass String Required Classname to be used when the collapse target element is shown.
group String Optional Collapse can be grouped by any string, it will become an Accordion.


Each instance has these public methods.

Methods Return Description
show() void Show the collapse.
hide() void Hide the collapse.
toggle() void Toggle the visibility of the collapse.
isExpanded() boolean To determine if the current collapse is expanded.
dispose() void Alternative to Collapse.destroyInstance. Just in case if you want to remove collapse element, call this first.



This event may be emitted for hooking into collapse functionality.

Event Description This event is triggered when the collapse element is about to appear.
collapse.shown This event is triggered when the collapse element appeared.
collapse.hide This event is triggered when the collapse element is about to disappear.
collapse.hide This event is triggered when the collapse element disappeared.